Kia Tū is a programme of learning centred on building a shared understanding between rangatahi, whānau and school regarding how a young person intends to start adult life and the pathway they will take.
Kia Tū is now being rolled-out in schools and has been registered as a micro-credential for delivery in partnership with SIT (access for both non-school rangatahi and pakeke).
68 people from 38 schools across Otago-Southland have participated in PD for this programme and are at various stages in rolling out the approach.
The Kia Tū approach for schools
Our intent is that every school leaver has a Kia Tū-based pathway plan focussed on how they will start adult life.
In Year 7 ākonga should start developing an awareness of the world of work and adult life – and importantly – developing a sense of identity, hope, and purpose for themselves.
This provides the foundation for meaningful pathway planning, and later, the transition from school to further study, work and life, in various combinations.
Making the system work for rangatahi
For schools - a shared understanding of the ‘mechanics’ of how the secondary transition systems can work, means the focus can be placed on helping ākonga/rangatahi find the best options to learn and progress.
Developing capable adults
The purpose of an education is to develop a person’s capacity to live their adult life well. Education is about the development of competent (capable) adults, able to participate well in our society – the front end of the NZ Curriculum expresses this well: “young people will be confident, connected, actively involved, lifelong learners” (NZC pg:7).
Capturing the process
The framework illustrated below captures the process of developing a young person’s pathway to adult life, a process of building from an awareness of the world of work and adult life through an emergent sense of orientation to that world and then a pathway through which a solid foundation of skills, knowledge and experience can be built.
How it works
Phase 1 – Ākonga start thinking about their future
Phase 2 – Ākonga develop a plan and choose a path, then refine/revise their path and start making it happen
Phase 3 – Ākonga make it happen!
Programme resources
Kia Tū is available free for schools - the intellectual property and Copyright is held by Hokonui Rūnanga.
We will help your school develop your approach to using Kia Tū and support you with implementation - including staff PD.
Programme resources include:
- Kaiako (Teacher) Guide
- Ākonga work book
This material includes guidance on year level programme structure, lesson plans and relevant assessments.
Contact us - become a Kia Tū school!
Find out more:
Contact: Ivan Hodgetts [Enable JavaScript to view protected content]