Kia Tū is a whānau-centred approach to pathway planning for a purposeful and rewarding adult life.
Kia Tū is about the development of whānau aspirations and building a foundation of capability needed to access work and life opportunities in the region at a Hapū and whole of community level.
Three step approach
Step 1: Awareness
Step 2: Orientation
- Explore what interests you
- Look at options that will work for you
- Develop your own pathway plan
Step 3: Make it happen!
- Put your pathway plan into action
- We support you to make the steps needed
- We will also support you to start training and/or start employment
Kia Tū programmes
Kia Tū group visiting White Hill Wind Farm.
Two programmes are currently being rolled out in Murihiku:
Find out more about them and how you can get involved.
Why we developed Kia Tū - community benefits
Kia Tū visit to the Manapōuri Power Station.
Kia Tū develops whānau aspirations and builds a foundation of capability needed to access work and life opportunities in the region at a Hapū and whole of community level.
This programme will contribute to realising our inter-generational capability strategy through the TAAK kaupapa intent to disrupt patterns of inequality. We will do this by ensuring participants build the capability needed to access decent, life affirming vocational opportunities in the Region.
This will mean a lift in whānau incomes and ability to thrive and actively participate in our community.
A programme developed for all
The programme has been developed for all people – including students, the unemployed, and Youth at Risk of Limited Employment (YARLE).
Using the Kia Tū programme, the active voice of whānau defines the preferred pathways in life and work.