Murihiku Regeneration’s Te Ara Aukati Kore (Pathways with Barriers) programme is about building identity, hope and purpose in our people.
Our kaupapa ensures local people build the capability needed for the emergent labour market and broader social and cultural life opportunities in the region. It is designed to allow us to be responsive to whatever labour market context emerges.
Central to our kaupapa is our inclusive, whānau-centred approach to capability. We do not want to limit the occupational pathway opportunities to a specific industry. A participants’ first step will be to develop their orientation to work and life and locate a relevant vocational pathway that we will then support them to access.
We work together with whānau to build supportive and trusting relationships by ensuring we get to know them and their whakapapa.
Wānanga i te Anamata
We work alongside whānau to grow their sense of direction and purpose and develop a pathway plan towards their ideal adult life.
We walk alongside whānau to broker their pathway, including building connection with employers, education and training.
The purpose of the Te Ara Aukati Kore (Pathways with Barriers) programme is to improve:
- Equity of outcomes for all, particularly the disadvantaged
- Our contribution to industry and regional development
- The effectiveness of connections across different providers and organisations
- Sustainable employment outcomes through tailored support
- People’s readiness for work, including through training and education
- People’s abilities to meaningfully participate in society
What we offer
He Ao Hou: New Futures Murihiku
He Ao Hou - New Futures Murihiku is a school-based STEAM programme currently focused on green energy.
We work with staff from He Honoka Hauwai and the University of Otago Chemistry Outreach programme to provide:
- Professional development and learning opportunities for primary and secondary schools in Murihiku.
- School visits – providing practical learning experiences in the classroom.
Find out more about He Ao Hou: New Futures Murihiku.
Kia Tū Pathway Planning Programme
Kia Tū is a whānau-centred approach to pathway planning for a purposeful and rewarding life. There are both in-school and adult versions of the programme.
The programme works from building awareness of the world of work and life, to personal orientation/apsirations, and then to developing a personalised pathway plan.
Find out more about our Kia Tū pathway planning programme.
Two parallel programmes are currently being rolled out across Murihiku-Southland. Find out more below:
Anamata Māia: Bold, Confident Futures Service
Our Anamata Māia: Bold, Confident Futures Service provides a skills hub, focussed on supporting and brokering the pathway for:
- Rangatahi who need support to successfully transition from school to adult life
- Pakeke (adults) looking for support for career change, re-entry to the workforce, and those looking to reimagine their life journey.
Since October 2023, we have focused on students at risk of leaving either at or before 16 years, and those who lack a clear intent for either work or study beyond school.
Our skilled staff enable rangatahi in Murihiku to access support and guidance as they develop their pathway into adult (pakeke) life.
Find out more about our Anamata Māia: Bold, Confident Futures Service
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