Building leadership across the takiwā
On Monday 11 April 2022, Murihiku Regeneration hosted the first session of the Rangatiratanga, Hokinga Whakaaro Leadership Programme.
This was followed by a second impact session, hosted online on 10 May 2022.
The next impact session is planned for July-August 2022 and will be a residential wānanga to help consolidate learning and development.
Murihiku Regeneration’s leadership programme (Rangatiratanga, Hokinga Whakaaro) is intended to enhance the network of leadership capability across the takiwā. This will support intergenerational succession and the effectiveness of Papatipu Rūnanga, government and non-government, community, and commercial organisations. The title captures the importance of looking back and reflecting when leading.
This is underpinned by the whakataukī:
Tama tū tama ora;
tama noho tama
(an active person will remain healthy, while a lazy one will become sick).
The programme draws on what is considered internationally as a sound and effective practice in leadership development. Those participating will be guided to build an authentic understanding of their leadership style and preferences, while also being able to draw on approaches across the spectrum of effective leader practice.
This programme operates alongside the Rangatahi Tumeke Scholarship initiative, to cater to pakeke (adults) who are entering into leadership roles (either currently or in recent years) and are seeking coaching and development of their effectiveness.
The programme is focussed on three interrelated elements of effectiveness:
Leadership of self: Understanding/forming your leadership style and what this means for authenticity and effectiveness;
Leadership of teams: What it means to lead a team and, in particular, how this differs from management;
Leadership in context: Understanding various approaches to leadership practice so that you can draw on effective practices suited to differing contexts.
Brendan Lynch (Winsborough)
Mike Shatford (Murihiku Regeneration)