Towards 2030- Murihiku Regeneration releases ambitious Regional Energy Action Plan
Today, Murihiku Regeneration has released its ambitious “Towards 2030” Energy Transitions Action Plan.
The Energy Action Plan has been developed over the last 12 months, and gone through consultation, engagement, and feedback, to provide an action plan that will support the identified key priorities needed through the energy transition by 2030. The work was completed as a part of the previous government’s Just Transitions Programme through the Ministry of Business, Innovation, and employment.
The action plan focuses on the following goals:
- 100% renewable energy generation within the takiwā, as a net exporter of energy (through the effective use of electrons).
- The targeted decarbonisation of two key sectors, heavy transport (land and marine) and process heat.
- Murihiku-Southland as one of New Zealand’s largest producers of green hydrogen.
- Rakiura well on a path to becoming net zero.
- Accelerating uptake through Regional Aviation and Heavy Transport – as the first region to achieve electric aviation and then being ready for hydrogen fuelled aircraft. Also setting up a viable carbon reducing refuelling network (hydrogen and electric) for heavy transport.
- Building an effective net zero workforce - the creation of new trades and professional jobs in science, technology, engineering, environmental management and planning, and adjacent sectors.
The release of the plan follows in the footsteps of the recent Regeneration Energy, Oceans, and Innovation Wānanga (Summit) where the key priorities, actions, and opportunities in the report were shared with participants. The Wānanga was held 26-27 November and included talks from both the energy Ministers – Hon Simeon Brown and Hon Shane Jones. Keynote discussions and panels included speakers from the energy industry, regulators and network company leaders, and a large contingent of local and international developers and industrial users.
“It is vital that we turn our minds to the ‘how’ and the ‘what’ we are going to do. 2030 is just around the corner and we really need to get on with it, “ says Terry Nicholas, Portfolio and Energy Director for Murihiku Regeneration.
“ Green hydrogen must play a role in our energy future. If it isn’t hydrogen then tell me what it is,” says Ta Tipene O’Regan, from the Office of Upoko within Murihiku Regeneration.
“Furthermore, we must look at all forms of energy -that includes new hydro, onshore and offshore wind, and of course wave and tidal energy options. All of these are readily available to develop”, says Ta Tipene.
The Action Plan has been shared with key stakeholders, partners and is available on the Regeneration website.
“we are less focused on the words of that document, and more on the actions that will come from it. We have already instigated key actions in a number of areas of the plan, and wish for the coalition of the willing to work with us on progressing further,” says Mike Shatford, the Murihiku Regeneration Energy Transitions Programme manager.”
“At our next Wānanga, in 2025 we will update on actions and progress,” says Nicholas.
Posted: 6 December 2024