Regional Leaders Hui Focuses on Housing and Energy Priorities
Regionals Leaders met for the second Murihiku-Southland Regional Leaders Forum on 5 April at Transport World, Invercargill to discuss and workshop two key regional action areas – around housing and energy.
The Regional Leaders Hui is jointly sponsored by the Regional Public Sector Lead – Steph Voight, and Murihiku Regeneration Office of Upoko.
At today’s Hui, Murihiku Upoko Michael Skerrett opened and closed the Hui.Upoko Michael Skerrett presenting to the Regional Hui
Bobbi Brown from Great South, presented regional housing information highlighting the significant problem around regional housing in the areas of affordability, quality of housing stock and availability. Regional Leaders then had the opportunity to look at potential solutions and actions, which will be shared around attendees.
“Housing is a real problem for the region, and has no easy solutions. It’s something which really needs all of us to be working together on”, said Steph Voight.
This discussion was followed by a presentation from Steve Canny, Great South around the very recently released Murihiku-Southland draft Regional Energy Strategy 2022-2050. Steve highlighted both the significant challenges, and opportunities that the region has in front of it, as it moves through its energy transition.
“Our region is better placed that most in New Zealand to meet its 2030 and 2050 decarbonisation targets, however this will still require us to work collaboratively and with clear purpose to get there,” said Steve Canny.
The next Regional leaders Hui is expected to be planned for August-September 2023, to follow on from the Murihiku Regeneration 22-24 May Energy and Innovation Expo.
Posted: 6 April 2023