Nominations now open for Murihiku whanau to be a part of creating a new brand of identity for Green Energy Project
Murihiku Regeneration is coordinating the establishment of a new Cultural Identity Group to creating a new brand identity for the Southern Green Hydrogen Project. Nominations are now open for applications to be a part of this group.
Kapa Haka group preforming at the Energy and Inovation Wananga in May
Southern Green Hydrogen is the name given to a hydrogen facility development in Southland, led by Meridian and Woodside Energy in partnership with Mitsui and Murihiku Regeneration (on behalf of Ngāi Tahu). Ngāi Tahu have the option to step in as a project partner, which includes a seat on the governing board, at the final investment decision stage.
We are looking for up to six members to support the development of a new brand for the Southern Green Hydrogen Project. Members will be remunerated – and we are seeking people who are committed, capable and also willing to be part of potentially other future projects in this space.
The aspiration is to create a vibrant bicultural brand which reflects the connection of the project to Murihiku -Southland and mana whenua. An external branding agency will be engaged to help deliver this project, with the specific deliverables being:
• A new brand identity for Southern Green Hydrogen – an evolution of the current brand that includes a cultural element or elements to connect the brand with iwi, hapu and whanau
• A new logo
• Brand guidelines, including colours, typography, use of te reo
• Photography guidelines The Brand Project is being led by Meridian Energy, on behalf of Southern Green Hydrogen.
Participating Members will be required to:
• participate in an in-person workshop with the agency to explore the cultural context of the project and its significance to Māori and the region
• participate in two review sessions, run by the agency, to review and discuss draft and then revised brand concepts.
Expressions of Interest from people will be collected through Murihiku Regeneration at [Enable JavaScript to view protected content] and will remain open until 5pm on 16 August 2023. A selection panel made up from representatives from each of the partnering organisations in the project will select the members of the group. Successful applicants will be advised in late August 2023.
For further information on how to apply look here.
For any feedback, suggestions or questions – these can be provided on the Murihiku Regeneration website here or to [Enable JavaScript to view protected content] or to Andre Konia -the Meridian project lead - [Enable JavaScript to view protected content] or Maria Pera - the Murihiku Regeneration Project Lead - [Enable JavaScript to view protected content]
Posted: 21 July 2023