Murihiku Ki Te Tonga programme at centre of new NIWA MoU
On Thursday 9 November, at Te Whare o Te Waipounamu in Otautahi Christchurch, Murihiku Upoko signed a new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Chief Executive of NIWA to signal an exciting new partnership and collaboration between the two organisations, centred around collaboration on projects within the Murihiku ki Te Tonga Programme. The signing ceremony was supported by senior leaders from both Murihiku Rūnaka, including the Te Taio Team from Hokonui Rūnanga and Oraka Aparima, and NIWA, and also from Murihiku Regeneration and Te Rūnanga o Ngai Tahu, who helped to facilitate the event.
The new MoU is focused around research, science and innovation projects. It will look to grow international partnerships, and bring together the collective capability, resources, knowledge and capacity to work together on projects that will make a difference to New Zealand. Importantly, the MoU also enables and supports interested Murihiku Rūnaka to also explore and connect in their own projects and opportunities and contribute to the regenerative and intergenerational focus of the Murihiku Regeneration kaupapa.Ta Tipene O’’Regan Upoko o Awarua Rūnaka and John Morgan, CEO of NIWA sign the MoU on 9 November, 2023.
“The MoU acknowledges the vital importance that the southern ocean plays around all things related to Murihiku, for Ngai Tahu, and also Aotearoa more generally. As an ocean nation, the Ngai Tahu people must look to the sea and understand the changes that are occurring in our marine environments- both in terms of opportunities and threats. This includes looking at climate, biodiversity, sustainability and commerce”.
“ Our Ocean rights and interests within the NZ EEZ and our takiwā are enshrined and acknowledged within our treaty settlement, and we intend to be an active participate in this space, to support this rights and meet our obligations,” said Ta Tipene O’Regan as part of his opening remarks.
“We value the significance and importance of this MoU, and the ability to partner and work together to better understand our oceans, ” confirmed John Morgan, CEO of NIWA at the signing ceremony.
The MoU is focused on active projects around mutual areas of interest and focus. A number of projects (link to MKTT) within the Murihiku ki Te Tonga Programme have been identifed to activate the MoU, including support to our polar projects and expeditions, marine science and research proposals, and opportunities for education, training and internships.
“We want to grow interest and opportunities for our young people, and a pathway for our researchers and scientists in the marine space, and this MoU will help us with that. We will keep you updated on these projects and opportunities as they progress,” confirmed Terry Nicholas, Portfolio Director for Murihiku Regeneration.
Posted: 14 November 2023