Developing Murihiku Leaders - Hokinga Whakaaro
Murihiku Generation hosted the second impact session of the Hokinga Whakaaro Leadership Programme in an online hui on Tuesday 10 May. This built on the first impact session, completed on 11 April 2022.Participants in the online hui on 10 May 2022.
The programme, sponsored by Te Puni Kōkiri, Ngāi Tahu and partners is aimed at building leadership capability and capacity within the Murihiku takiwa. It also aims to help build collective responsibility and connection to support the Murihiku Regeneration vision. Participants will then be encouraged to help support the growth of other developing leaders through the Te Ara Aukati Kore programme of work.
The 12 participants are all experienced leaders representing a mix of Murihiku ki Ngāi Tahu organisations, local and regional agencies from community and businesses. Each have strong connection within our takiwa and are committed to supporting our approach.
The impact session was anchored around a keynote address from Tā Tipene O’Regan - who generously shared his insights, experiences and offered some advice for the group of The hui session was anchored around a keynote address by Tā Tipene O’Regan.leaders. The participants were encouraged to reflect on their practices, to be generous with their time to support others, and remember that being recognised as caring leader was an essential ingredient for success.
During the programme, the leaders are encouraged to reflect on their leadership, to engage with others to build their network and knowledge, will receive coaching and support to help them with development, and will be encouraged to build capability through emotional intelligence.
The next impact session is planned for July-August and will be a residential wānanga to help consolidate learnings and development.
Further leadership courses will be offered from late August 2022.
Posted: 13 May 2022