Bluff Rangatahi Zone 2023 - Join our team of volunteers
Rangatahi Zone is an initiative by the Tuurama Trust to add some fun, healing, inspiration, and creativity to the Murihiku community. It will be a three day event over the next school holidays. Held across Bluff in free activities for young people from 10 to 18 years old.
The imitivates goals are as follows:
1. To uplift our Rangatahi
2. Provide fun activities that give our Rangatahi a chance to have a number of different experiences and connections
3. Show Rangatahi ways of looking after their emotions through Rongoa, Mahi Toi, and many other forms of expression
They are currently looking for volunteers for this year’s Rangatahi event so please have a look theres lots of different roles and activities that you or your organisation might be able to help with.
If you would like to join the team again, please fill in this form.
Dates: 26-28 September 2023, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday (first week school holidays)
Times: 12noon – 5pm daily, Karakia at 11am for kaimahi
For more information on the event, look here at the Rangatahi Zone website.
Posted: 26 July 2023