5th February Murihiku Regeneration regional development event a hit
A pre-Waitangi Day regional development dinner hosted by Murihiku Upoko on 5 February at Transport World in Invercargill was attended by over 90 representatives from a diverse range of international, national, regional, community and iwi organisations. The event organised by Murihiku Regeneration aimed at connecting these organisations, developing relationships and demonstrating the huge regional development opportunities in front of the region over next year.
Terry Nicholas, Murihiku Regeneration Portfolio Director and Hokonui Upoko spent several minutes welcoming and introducing the various people, organisations and projects opportunities that were present in the audience at the event.
“The long introductions themselves spoke volumes on the level of interconnectivity and possibilities, and key individuals that could be realised and turned into action.”
“We particularly wanted to share a warm welcome to everyone that came to our regional development dinner, and then turned up at a wet, but very positive Waitangi Day commemorations at Te Rau Aroha Marae in Bluff. There is nothing like the community and stakeholders seeing partnership in action at both events, and what can be achieved when we work together for the benefit of the whole community”, said Terry Nicholas.
“Guests included, the Deputy German Ambassador – Winnie Switakowski, the Rt Hon Gerry Brownlee - Speaker of the House of Parliament, local MP- Hon Penny Simmonds, Joseph Mooney, other MPs, Murihiku Mayors, Local Council Chief Executives, and Government Agency representatives, Regional Agency Leaders, overseas guests from Rio Tinto, Woodside Energy, Mitsui & Co, as well as NZ generators – Meridian and Contact Energy, also NZ Inc companies such as HWR Richardson, Whiore, Hiringa and Heritage Expeditions -just to name a few”.
We were also pleased to see a number of senior Murihiku and Ngai Tahu leaders attending. These included Upoko o Awarua Ta Tipene O’Regan and Lady Sandra O’Regan, Michael Skerrett, Barry Bragg -the new Chair of Awarua Rūnaka. Also, the senior representatives from Te Rūnanga o Ngai Tahu – including the new Kaiwhakahaere – Justin Tipa, Tribal CEO Arihia Bennett, and her leadership team, “ said Dr Michael Stevens Awarua Representative and Murihiku Regeneration governor.Winnie Switakowski the Deputy German Ambassador and Ta Tipene O’Regan the Awarua Upoko
“The event demonstrated that Murihiku Regeneration has established unwavering relationships at a community, regional, political, and international level. All looking at the multiples of economic opportunities that contribute to the welfare of our communities”.
“Our approach has been to look at acting regionally, but to work in the national interest. We are looking to support all levels of our involvement – from an Iwi, Hapū, and also the Community we are a part of. “
“Our focus has been to build and encourage intergenerational capability and capacity – looking at key areas of intervention that align with our four Ngai Tahu values” confirmed Terry Nicholas during his introductory remarks.
At the event we shared some of the projects of importance for 2024 and beyond. These included:
- Retaining the Tiwai Smelter in the longer term, but also creating a wider industrial base that grows the regional and national economy and supports decarbonisation out beyond 2040.
- The Southern Green Energy project (SGH) consisting of outstanding commercial partners, Mitsui a century old Japanese trading house, Meridian Energy one of NZ big power generators, Hokonui Rūnanga & Ngai Tahu, and Woodside Energy. The partners see SGH as one of the most exciting projects in their portfolio to be in operation by 2030. This will support rapid decarbonisation for export and domestic use.
- The opportunity to leverage efforts in the energy transition around hydrogen fuels for marine and land based heavy transport in Southland – including a refuelling network, with efforts already underway by HW Richardson and Hiringa Energy through their own projects.
- Windfarm developments happening in the Murihiku regions by both Contact and Mercury Energy with the potential for further projects that will create jobs, innovation and support social infrastructure developments.
- A partnership with Whiore (link to Whiore story) is an area where the exciting opportunities that exist in the Blue Economy will be rapidly examined - including large scale aquaculture projects, innovative approaches around seaweed and high value marine stocks.
- Our own Murihiku ki te Tonga -Southern Ocean Research and Innovation Programme - to protect both Ngai Tahu rights and interests, but also contribute to climate, biodiversity, sustainability and commercial challenges and opportunities that will be vitally important over the next 10 years.
- Our vocational pathway planning and capacity programme that is looking to support our community rangatahi, our current and future workforce into the jobs and opportunities that will be needed to meet the opportunities that need to be developed to address critical gaps in our workforce capability.
The event highlighted that Murihiku-Southland, as identified by both international and NZ entities, has the biggest opportunity in New Zealand for new power generation, to grow its productive base and continue to contribute to the NZ GNP (Gross National Product) that punches its weight well in excess of its relative population size.
“We want to be in the best position in the world, so this work being led by Murihiku Regeneration is exciting and compelling.
“We are looking for partners and innovators who share our intent to be a part of a collective journey and work with us in the coalition of the willing” stated Terry Nicholas to conclude his remarks.
Dr Michael Stevens closed the event with a powerful and reflective speech that looked to the recent past, on why Ngai Tahu action and involvement in regional development initiatives like Murihiku Regeneration are so important to the our future.
Posted: 9 February 2024