Ivan currently divides his time between working for the Ministry of Education as Principal Advisor Secondary Transitions, and Murihiku Regeneration. As an educationalist, Ivan emphasisesIvan Hodgetts leads Murihiku Regeneration’s Te Ara Aukati Kore (Pathways without barriers) programme inclusive education, underpinned by a focus on identity, hope and purpose for all learners. These three factors are crucial to supporting people as they develop an orientation to the world of work and life more generally. Since 2009 when he returned to Murihiku, Ivan has been involved in a range of initiatives through Hokonui Rūnanga. He is also currently the Deputy Chair of Awarua Whānau Health Services. His experience includes a range of governance roles as well as running a career and organisational development practice and as a CEO in the not for profit sector.
Ivan is leading Murihiku Regeneration’s Te Ara Aukati Kore (Pathways without barriers) programme. Te Ara Aukati Kore is a capability focussed programme designed to underpin the four Pou by ensuring whānau have the capability needed to make the most of the post-smelter/Covid pandemic environment.