About us
Hokonui Rūnanga is one of 18 rūnanga (local councils) of Ngai Tahu (South Island iwi), and is the only one located inland.
Established in 1987, Hokonui Rūnanga provides for the well-being of our members in the following areas:
- Health and well-being
- Cultural development
- Protecting the environment
- Education and employment opportunities.
We exist to ensure a safe and secure future for our next generations.Hokonui Rūnanga’s Charlton Rd property is positioned on ancient trails
Find out more about us - check out our website and follow us on Facebook.
Our world is rapidly changing - climate change, COVID-19, changes in technology and innovation, environmental degradation, employment opportunities, to name a few.
Our priority is for whānau to not just to be ready for change, but to thrive in a changing world for generations to come. To do this we must prioritise working at a mana to mana level with the crown as our partner, and strengthen the partnership with all levels of leadership within Murihiku - as part of the Murihiku Regeneration collective.
We need to honour the rights and interests of Iwi and our community - for our people and our environment.
The work we do now will ensure a positive future for many generations.
- Whānau are healthy (mentally and physically), safe, and culturally connected.
- We have a local economy that is adaptable, resilient and provides secure meaningful employment for whānau.
- Our rangatahi have access to education and skills training that sets them up to be resilient and adaptable in a changing world.
- Workforce capability development is aligned to industry development.
- We can sustain our lifestyles in a healthy environment - including clean air, and productive healthy freshwater, estuaries, sea, and land.
- Native biodiversity is enhanced and restored across all habitats.
Kia whakatōmuri te haere whakamua
I walk backwards into the future with my eyes fixed on my past
He Waka Eke Noa
We are all in this together
Contact us
Hokonui Rūnanga
140 Charlton Road
PO Box 114
Gore 9740
Phone: (03) 208 7954
Email: [Enable JavaScript to view protected content]